Art Portfolio

Overwhelmed 2022, charcoal and newspaper on paper, 24 x 18″

My mother – a physician, artist, chef, florist, and designer – struggles to keep it all together as news of the pandemic gets worse. Psychological ownership of the family is not shared evenly, and women most often bear the full burden. The constant consumption of sensational or distressing news further increases anxiety and stress levels.

A Different Perspective, 2022, pastel on paper, 18 x 24″

Mundane articles and memorabilia – student id, Carnegie Hall ticket, boxing wraps, subway card, map and books – have become essential appendages of my life. If we could get an overhead perspective of our present selves, would we be able to predict the future course of our lives? Following the diagonal lines in the picture, will we remain close to the things familiar to us at the moment or move away from them in the future?

Inside me, 2022, oil on canvas, 18 x 24″

God Shiva’s, dance represents life as a cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction. My performance of that dance entails felt experiences of my grandmother’s garden, playing cricket with my grandfather, minarets of the Old City, and the pink curtains of my bedroom that are an internal reality that will always be inside me. The multi-faceted past is not only a part of us but it provides a foundation for the future that lies ahead.

Insomnia, 2022, oil on canvas, 24 x 18″

This self-portrait demonstrates the problems I have trying to fall asleep. My three personas, namely frustration, anguish and stress are inevitably connected, always experiencing turmoil inside and turbulence outside of me. In general, we live life in multiple states, needing to reconcile our angst and vulnerabilities in order to achieve calmness and poise.

Tapestries, 2022, Indian fabrics and textiles on canvas, 24 x 36″ 

The intent in this piece is to honor the struggles and achievements of immigrants in America. Their experiences and contributions crisscross and intertwine with those that came before to create a dynamic and vibrant fabric. Standing together does not mean blending in; there is a need for diverse individuals representing outstanding efforts and achievements to stand out!. 

Undercurrent, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 20 x  24″

In this surreal piece, I imagine a subway station underwater. Using juxtaposition and a deep perspective, I am introducing and integrating unlikely objects in a shooting space to realize a hallucinogenic experience. Can suspending ourselves from reality and allowing our thoughts to flow freely help us find creative solutions? 

Matriarch, 2022, oil, acrylic , wire, paper-maché, plaster, and fabrics installation on canvas, 48 x 36 x 20 

The banyan tree is considered a tree of life. Sturdy, rooted, expansive, and enduring, it is like my grandmother. Confident and grounded, strong as a trunk, always growing, looking up, branching out beyond the limitations of the picture plane, and continually striving for new experiences, greater knowledge and wisdom, I think of the banyan as a metaphor for my grandmother’s powerful and influential position in our family. 

Beyond the stars, 2022, pastel and marker on paper 18 x 24″

Surrounded by inspirational women in my family across generations, I am encircled by a physician, an entrepreneur, a teacher, a lawyer, an athlete, activists, and professors. We connect over the ritual of a traditional betel nut ceremony.  The message contained in Urdu couplets (top and bottom panels) are from Iqbal: “Beyond the stars are even more worlds/There are many more tests that your passion needs to overcome.”  For this work, I have used the format of a traditional manuscript painting that acknowledges the picture plane through inclusion of script, decorative panels and limited as opposed to deep perspective space.


Silent Tears
Masked Figures
Constant Company
Evoked Emotions
On the Way Back
Alina Sleeping in Class
Laughing Freely
Baby Zara
My Desk